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Tired of aloof leaders who hide behind fancy water bowls and empty promises?

Tired of the same old fur at the top?


Then elect Toffee, the cuddle monster running for Chief Cat! This charismatic cat isn't afraid to voice his opinions (or his love for chin scratches) and will always be there for the cats of CLAWS. Toffee is a living scarf for a reason – he loves to cuddle! He is willing to get into the faces of the humans (in a purr-fectly friendly way, of course!) and make sure your voice is heard.

Toffee may smother you with affection, but that's just his way of showing he cares!

Toffee believes in:

  • Mandatory cuddle time for all shelter staff and visitors! Every cat deserves some love and attention. There's no such thing as too much love (or chin scratches)! There's no such thing as too much love (or chin scratches)! From head boops to full-body embraces, Toffee believes in spreading the love.

  • The current administration has gotten a little too comfy. It's time for a Chief Cat who will put the needs of the shelter first, not their mane-tenance!

  • Fancy speeches don't put food in bowls. Toffee promises clear communication and a purr-fect plan to improve life for all CLAWS cats.

  • Treats dispensed freely! Happy kitties are healthy kitties!

  • A Chief Cat who is present and accountable. Toffee won't be spending his days at the spa – he'll be working hard for the cats of CLAWS!

  • An open-door policy for all cat complaints. Toffee will listen to every meow and purr!

Toffee may smother you with affection, but that's just his way of showing he cares!

And don't listen to Fancy Pants' rumors about needing a full-time beautician! Toffee's luxurious fur is all natural and requires nothing more than a good cuddle session.

Vote Toffee for Chief Cat: Because every cat deserves a Chief Cat who works for them! Every cat deserves a cuddle and a champion!

Let's make a difference, one purr at a time!

Donate today: and please Toffee's name in the comment section. Otherwise Fancy Pants will take all the votes!


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For meeting the catadents please set up an appointment- 970-241-3793 or  


P.S. Toffee might be a bit of a cuddle monster, but his hugs are unbeatable! Visit the shelter and meet this loving cat. Toffee might be a little attention-seeking, but his heart is as big as his appetite! Come down to the shelter and meet this lovable cat. And who knows, maybe he'll even let you wear him as a scarf (for a little while


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